Mobile Application Security Assessment

We turn a digital weak spot into a cyber fortress

iOS and Android Mobile Application Security Assessment

Mobile application penetration testing represents an advanced methodology to scrutinize the security framework of a mobile environment. This strategy offers a deep-dive analysis into the vulnerabilities lurking in the source code, potential bottlenecks, and possible attack vectors - all prior to any actual occurrence. Such proactive measures not only enhance cybersecurity but also instill a resilient defense mechanism within mobile applications, securing them against future threats. This approach ensures a robust shield, safeguarding your digital assets in the mobile landscape

Cybervelia's Mobile Application Security Assessment services, rooted in well-established and universally accepted methodologies, promise to deliver at the very least

Some of the activities during the mobile application security assessment:

  1. Examination of Architecture, Design, and Threat Modelling

  2. Review of Data Storage and Privacy Measures

  3. Assessment of Cryptographic Protocols

  4. Evaluation of Authentication Mechanisms and Session Management

  5. Analysis of Network Communication Pathways

  6. Interaction with Environmental Parameters

  7. Review of Code and Build Settings

  8. Assessment of Authentication Mechanisms and Session Implementation

  9. Static Analysis of the Application Binary

  10. Test for Jailbreak Detection Mechanisms

  11. Evaluation of Potential Broken Access Control

  12. Countermeasure Analysis for SSL Pinning

  13. API Testing for Potential Injection Threats

  14. Assessment of Resilience Against Reverse Engineering

How robust is the security of your mobile application?

Ensure the success and security of your business by not overlooking the importance of regular testing

Protect your business from Cyber-attacks!

Penetration Testing Stages

1. Planning and Reconnaisance

The attack is planned based on the objectives of the agreement

2. Exploration and Mapping

The applications and systems are enumerated to understand how everything works together

3. Vulnerability Exploration

Working manually to find vulnerabilities of the in-scope systems

4. Exploitation and Penetration

Post-Exploitation, Pivoting & Persistency test

5. Reporting and Remediation

Report includes all found vulnerabilities and reproduction steps

6. Improvements & Re-test

A revised report is given including the resolved issues

Certified team

All penetration tests are conducted by an Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP).

Exclusive discounts

To show how skillful we are, when the found vulnerabilities aren’t scored as high or critical, we provide 30% discount. That’s how confident we are. Applies only for new customers.

Competitive pricing

Cybervelia offers low pricing model to help small businesses to get protected from CyberSecurity threats.

Extensive report

We produce reports that are understood from both technical and non-technical people. Each report includes the findings of the test and how such vulnerabilities can be fixed.

Products & Services


Limassol, 4620, Cyprus
E: info -at- cybervelia -dot- com

T: 25-312159



Cybervelia Limited is incorporated in the Republic of Cyprus with Company Registration No. HE 440234

"Cybervelia" is a registered tradename of Cybervelia Limited.

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